Tropical Paradise Eyes – Makeup 🌸 artistbybeauty – Artist by Beauty

Sunrises and sunsets are best enjoyed on holiday. Particularly somewhere tropical such as a place with hot weather or on an island. A place where you can relax, fall asleep on a beautiful beach and let all of your problems drift away with the sound of ocean waves ❤

Post Jan 29 2020 Pic 3 - Final

Travelling is something that I am extremely passionate about. I love being in an environment that is new to me, a place of different culture and has places that I have never explored before. It is what excites me the most.

We all need to explore something new ever so often. It helps us keep learning and allows for inspiration to grow. Seeing nature and animals in another country brings a lot of joy into my life. It is nice being able to see different nature to that of which is in the country I currently live in 🙂

Post Jan 29 2020 Pic 5 - Final

When I went to Bali near the end of 2018, I really enjoyed seeing monkeys in front of me for the first time. Not in a cage in a zoo, like I saw them as a child but freely running around and going about their usual day. I loved Bali so much and enjoyed sharing live-streams with you, that I am planning on travelling to Bali later this year.

I have no tattoos yet and have always wanted one since I was 18 years old. It has been many years so I think it is finally a great time to get one this year. 2020 is definitely a new decade for me to evolve into a newer creative me! 😀

Today on my YouTube channel I am sharing with you a lovely tropical paradise makeup look. I enjoy both sunrises and sunsets, and thought it would be nice to create an eyeshadow look that matches. One that is great for a tropical holiday ❤

I hope you enjoy the video. Thank you so much for reading and watching! Get creative. Whether it be painting, singing, dancing, cooking, baking, beauty or writing. Do something that let’s you be creative and sparks joy from within your heart. Have a great day!


Capili Jiron x x


#Tropical #Paradise #Eyes #Makeup #artistbybeauty #Artist #Beauty

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