AgingExpert: Coffee Drinkers Celebrate!

  Coffee is the most widely consumed drink in the world. Every morning, I drink two to three cups of ...
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Reflections on My Stay in a Dementia Unit

by, Jim Vanden Bosch, Guest Blogger Prologue In order for me to gain some firsthand experience of what it is ...
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MCI ~ Mild Cognitive Impairment

  Recently, I have been asked questions about Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), as more older adults are being diagnosed with ...
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Making a Joyful Noise: Stories from a Chorus for People Living with Dementia

by, Susan McFadden, Guest Blogger In 2014, I recruited a remarkable group of people to form a chorus that practiced ...
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Divorce among older couples especially in Asia was virtually unheard of 50 years ago. Marriages were meant to last a ...
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Welcome to February!

It’s been a relatively quiet, icy cold, snowy kind of week here in western Newfoundland. We are in the middle ...
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AgingExpert: Digital Dementia

  Hi Readers, I recently attended a professional seminar and learned about digital dementia. While conducting research on this topic, ...
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We need a new model for community living in urban townships, and definitely a new role for residents management committee ...
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Daily journals while living in a locked dementia unit: Days 2 and 3

by, Jim Vanden Bosch, Guest Blogger Day 2 (continued) After lunch, my assistant asks if I would like to go ...
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10 Things to Know for Aging Health

Pop quiz: What aging health problem is extremely common, has serious implications for an older person’s health and wellbeing, and can often ...
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