AgingExpert: Coffee Drinkers Celebrate!

  Coffee is the most widely consumed drink in the world. Every morning, I drink two to three cups of ...
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Fight Aging! Newsletter, December 11th 2023 – Fight Aging!

Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by ...
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Without the Voice of Elders

by, Eilon Caspi, ChangingAging Guestblogger Without the voice of elders, any discussion about their care, safety, and lives will remain ...
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How to Promote Physical Health While Aging: The Healthy Aging Checklist Part 2

This is the second in a series of posts explaining my Healthy Aging Checklist. Remember, for the healthiest aging, we ...
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Yay, after so many requests to screen the film again from those who missed it, I am delighted to announce ...
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We need a new model for community living in urban townships, and definitely a new role for residents management committee ...
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AGING DISGRACEFULLY: Happy Valentine’s Day

This is not my bum; mine isbigger and, hence, Iexperience more painthan this slim bum!  Ahhhh! The joys of aging. ...
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Retirement With a Side of Work

Often, people think about work and retirement as two opposite sides of a coin. It does not need to be ...
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Family caregivers: The salient heroes

Family Caregivers unlike healthcare workers do not belong to organized workforce employment. They are mostly unpaid and mostly unrecognized for ...
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Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Task Force

Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Task Force #Alzheimers #Disease #Related #Dementias #Task #Force
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