AgingExpert: Coffee Drinkers Celebrate!

  Coffee is the most widely consumed drink in the world. Every morning, I drink two to three cups of ...
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Happy Gerontology | Aging In Place Resources

Telling the truth can be a dirty job. ― Francesca Marciano, Casa Rossa   Aging in Place I’ve been wanting ...
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A Day at the Zoo…Online

by, Susan McFadden, Guest Blogger One chilly November day in Wisconsin, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, a group ...
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The Chinese new year is a mere two days away. A new year means a new beginning, although as someone ...
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  Because Newfoundland (NL) winters are so long and harsh, and because CB was so ‘hilly’ and icy, winter usually ...
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5 Services and Tools to Help Care for Seniors While Social-Distancing

We all want to spend more time with aging parents and loved ones. So, when forces outside of your control ...
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27 Proven Preventive Health Screening Tests for Seniors

This is the fifth in a series of posts covering the Healthy Aging Checklist, which is my list of six fundamental ...
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Consider ever-changing tech hurdles for older adults

The more technology changes, it’s a step back for some.  You probably think the inevitability of tech change is mostly positive. ...
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December Newsletter from Harry Moody

Hi Readers, Every month I receive a newsletter from gerontologist Dr. Harry Moody chock full of valuable insights and happenings ...
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Repair Biotechnologies, Deciduous Therapeutics, and More – Fight Aging!

Biopharma Dealmakers is a research news publication used by biotech and pharmaceutical startups to promote themselves and explain their ...
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