Ben Greenfield’s Weekly Roundup: December 1

Welcome to Ben Greenfield’s Weekly Roundup!

In this weekly post, I share with you my most interesting discoveries of the week, including the latest news on the fronts of fitness, nutrition, health, wellness, biohacking, and anti-aging research. I also recap my upcoming events and special announcements so you can keep up with opportunities to learn, giveaways, discounts, and more!

New Discoveries

Exciting News — My Latest Culinary Creation, Boundless Kitchen, Is Finally Here!

Dive into a unique blend of biohacking and molecular gastronomy with 48 innovative recipes designed for health, longevity, and pure deliciousness. I’m taking you on a wild ride through my kitchen lab, where we’ll explore everything from unconventional tools to fringe superfoods like organ meats and colostrum.

Get ready to expand your cooking skills with dishes ranging from Carrot Cake Blender Waffles to Sous Vide Blueberry Brisket. You’ll not only master techniques like sous vide and air frying but also discover the science of clean eating and the restorative power of food.

Order your copy of Boundless Kitchen now.

Caffeine’s Effects On Exercise Performance Depends On Your Genes

Ever wondered if your genes play a role in how you respond to a pre-workout caffeine boost? A fascinating meta-analysis just shed some light on this, and the results are pretty intriguing…

Researchers dived into how different CYP1A2 genotypes (basically, your genetic makeup) affect your body’s response to caffeine, especially when it comes to exercise performance. Scientists looked at three different blood genotypes (AA, AC, and CC, which refer to the type of hemoglobin present in someone’s red blood cells) and analyzed how caffeine impacted each.

For the AAs and ACs out there: Good news! Caffeine generally improved exercise performance. AAs saw a more significant boost than ACs, but both groups benefited.

But, among the CCs, here’s where it gets interesting. Caffeine actually reduced performance in this group. Plus, the amount and timing of caffeine intake had a unique impact on CCs, affecting their physical performance more than those with other genotypes. For CCs, waiting longer after consuming caffeine led to better performance.

What does this mean for you?

If you’re into fitness and love your caffeine, your genetic makeup might be more important than you think.

While some can enjoy their caffeine boost worry-free, others might need to be more strategic about their caffeine intake, including how much they consume and when.

So, next time you reach for that cup of coffee or pre-workout supplement, remember — your genes might be playing a role in how effective that caffeine kick really is!

Most people don’t know which of these three genotypes they have, but this is useful information nonetheless. Pay attention to how caffeine makes you feel when you work out. Are you more pumped up or easily wiped out? Make adjustments based on your body’s feedback.

Note, if you do want to determine your genotype to better understand how you metabolize different substances, several methods are available, including the electrophoresis method, the Point of Care Test kit (POCT), and the High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method.

Want research hot off the presses as soon as I discover it? Follow me on Twitter.

Transform Your Life And Reach Boundless Success For The New Year

Are you craving a truly personalized approach to fitness and unwavering accountability to reach your goals?

If so, your search ends today.

Imagine having a team of dedicated expert coaches right by your side, crafting a training plan tailored exclusively for you. We’ll dive deep into your unique goals, aspirations, and challenges to create a roadmap that leads you to success.

My Elite Coaching Program focuses on workouts, biohacking secrets, and nutrition. But it’s not just about workouts and exercises — this comprehensive, holistic journey covers every facet of your well-being, from personalized nutritional advice to cutting-edge biohacking techniques, positioning you at the pinnacle of peak performance. We leave no stone unturned in our quest to help you surpass your own limits.

My new 16-week program will guide you from information overload to transformation enjoyment.

Check out Ben Greenfield Coaching’s Elite Coaching plan now!

Podcasts I Recorded This Week:

Pro Baseball Pitcher Noah Syndergaard’s “Thor” Biohacking Routine, Must-Read Books, Jet Lag & Travel Hacks, and More.

This episode was brought to you by Timeline Nutrition (code BEN), Vuori, Clearlight Sauna (code BEN), Beekeepers (code BEN), and Pendulum (code GREENFIELD).

Q&A 465: How Fast Do You Lose Muscle If You Stop Lifting, Should You Take A Multivitamin, Biohacks For Jetlag & Much More!

This episode was brought to you by Organifi, Joovv (code BEN), BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough (code BEN10), BioStack Labs, and Xtend-Life (code BEN15).


Podcasts I Was Featured On Recently:

How to Perform at Your Peak During a Chess Game | Ben Greenfield on ChessMood Podcast

Ep. 30 | The Formula for Living Longer with Ben Greenfield.

How to Use Peptides to Boost Immunity, Heal, Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Increase IQ & Slow Aging

Articles Recently Released About Me:

How To Live A Long, Happy Life: Celebrity Biohacker Ben Greenfield Shares His Top Tips — Have Meaning And Purpose, And Stay Physically Fit

Ben Greenfield’s VIP Text Club: To receive exclusive texts from Ben Greenfield, text the word “FITNESS” to 411247 (within the U.S. only).

My Article Feed:

Does a “Limitless” Pill Really Exist? How to Attain Energy, Focus, and Mental Clarity Support

My full article feed and all archives of my articles are here.

Product Of The Week

::: Get 10% Off Stress Guardian, Your Armor Against Stress :::

Feeling the holiday stress piling up? You’re not alone. The end-of-year rush, gift shopping, and family gatherings can really crank up the pressure. But here’s some good news — I’ve discovered a game-changer to help you navigate this season’s stress: Stress Guardian.

Imagine finding peace from a supplement that also enhances your focus and resilience against stress. That’s where Stress Guardian from BiOptimizers comes in — your natural ally in mastering life’s challenges.

With Stress Guardian, expect more than just stress relief; this is a comprehensive solution designed to support your body’s stress response system, particularly the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, your body’s stress command center. You’ll experience heightened focus, improved performance under pressure, restful sleep, a bolstered immune system, and a balanced mood.

What makes Stress Guardian stand out? It’s the harmony of 14 carefully selected ingredients, each contributing to a robust stress response, including:

  • Siberian ginseng for energy, reishi mushroom for relaxation, and Schisandra berry for mental performance.
  • Astragalus and goji berry for immune support and licorice root for hormonal balance.
  • He Shou Wu for rejuvenation, Asian ginseng for mental clarity, and Rhodiola as a powerful adaptogen.

Click here to snag an order of Stress Guardian and take advantage of my discount offer. Use code BEN10 at checkout to get 10% off.

Upcoming Events:

Elements of Vitality: December 8, 2023

Return to the Elements of Vitality: This will be the second time my good friend Dr. John Lieurance and I collaborate to bring you the most effective and cutting-edge health and wellness advice, protocols, and some of our favorite tools. If you’re into health and wellness and want to stay on top of all the cutting-edge, latest, and greatest innovations and protocols, you don’t want to miss this event. Learn more here and use code GREENFIELD for 5% off at checkout.

Keep up on Ben’s LIVE appearances by following!

Kion Product Of The Week: Kion Protein Bar

You know I’m a huge fan of Kion.

They combine the cleanest natural ingredients into complementing supplements (and foods!) that help you unlock your body’s natural energy.

And their new Chocolate Crunch Protein Bar is out of this world delicious.

Not only that but it is made with only real, whole-food ingredients— giving it balanced macronutrients for clean, stable energy.

The Chocolate Crunch Protein Bar’s complex flavors and texture come from real, natural, whole-food ingredients such as…

  • Organic almonds
  • Organic cocoa nibs
  • Organic chia seeds
  • Organic coconut
  • Organic honey

And, it contains 11 grams of satiating protein from grass-fed whey protein isolate to support your active lifestyle.

I promise you, you’re going to love this new protein bar. Click here to try it.

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#Ben #Greenfields #Weekly #Roundup #December

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