Progressing Towards Regulatory Approval of Veterinary Therapies Targeting Aging – Fight Aging!

Veterinary medicine is typically less impeded by FDA regulatory costs than human medicine. A cynic would note that the ...
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A Geriatrician’s Top 10 Ways to Protect Brain Health in Aging

Image Credit: DepositPhotos. Have you ever wondered how to maintain your brain health as you age?  Or wanted ...
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How to Promote Physical Health While Aging: The Healthy Aging Checklist Part 2

This is the second in a series of posts explaining my Healthy Aging Checklist. Remember, for the healthiest aging, we ...
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THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: The Perfect Fake Independence

 The other day I was browsing facebook posts in an online caregiver support group when I read,  “My mother was ...
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AgingExpert: Digital Dementia

  Hi Readers, I recently attended a professional seminar and learned about digital dementia. While conducting research on this topic, ...
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27 Proven Preventive Health Screening Tests for Seniors

This is the fifth in a series of posts covering the Healthy Aging Checklist, which is my list of six fundamental ...
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Family caregivers: The salient heroes

Family Caregivers unlike healthcare workers do not belong to organized workforce employment. They are mostly unpaid and mostly unrecognized for ...
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Farewell to my BFF

 My baby sister passed away yesterday after complications arising from Covid.   I knew her for 65 years, but we only ...
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Understanding the Different Types of Elderly Care Services Available in Mumbai –

November 14, 2023 As our loved ones age, their needs evolve, requiring attention and intense care that will address their ...
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Caregiver Education and Tips for Time Management

Sorry I have been missing for a bit. I’ve been quite busy on a few projects. Hope to share one ...
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