A Day at the Zoo…Online

by, Susan McFadden, Guest Blogger One chilly November day in Wisconsin, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, a group ...
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Forgetfulness ~ What is Normal?

  Hi Readers, Those of you who have been following this blog for a while know that my most asked ...
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Dave Walker – Forever Young: Scarborough Easter 2023

                        Taking the long view of The Clock Cafe ...
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MCI ~ Mild Cognitive Impairment

  Recently, I have been asked questions about Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), as more older adults are being diagnosed with ...
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A Geriatrician’s Top 10 Ways to Protect Brain Health in Aging

Image Credit: DepositPhotos. Have you ever wondered how to maintain your brain health as you age?  Or wanted ...
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Clumps of Cells as a Novel Basis for Regenerative Medicine – Fight Aging!

Researchers here note an interesting project, the production of self-assembling, mobile clumps of cells propelled by cilia, formed from ...
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If you care for someone with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or dementia, you have probably seen this image on social ...
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Targeting Oxidative Stress to Provoke Greater Tissue Maintenance and Regeneration in the Aging Heart – Fight Aging!

The heart is one of the least regenerative organs, and what limited ability it has to recover from injury ...
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How To Help Your Aging Parents Manage Their Fixed Income

We are all taking care of our aging parents. Unfortunately, some of them are living on such a fixed income ...
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Coming Events ~ September 2022

  COMING EVENTS September 2022   Thank you, Harry “Rick” Moody, for these events published in the Human Values and ...
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