9 Types of Issues to Address When Helping Aging Parents

Most older adults don’t need much help from others. In fact, many of them are quite busy assisting others and ...
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A Twin Study to Assess Short Term Cardiometabolic Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet – Fight Aging!

A Twin Study to Assess Short Term Cardiometabolic Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet If you’re familiar with discussion ...
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Bluebells under the lilac tree

bluebells standing tall hidden sentries keep shadows safe #Bluebells #lilac #tree
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Looking out for loneliness this winter | Discover

When Christmas is the hardest day Our research this year uncovered the sad but shocking fact that 2.8 million older ...
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How to Promote Physical Health While Aging: The Healthy Aging Checklist Part 2

This is the second in a series of posts explaining my Healthy Aging Checklist. Remember, for the healthiest aging, we ...
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Newcastle and Alnwick

Barter books, Alnwick centre, St Jame’s Park, apartment. Fartown gave up in the second half. Saints romped it.   #Newcastle ...
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How to Age Better by Optimizing Chronic Conditions: The Healthy Aging Checklist Part 4

This is the fourth in a series of posts covering the Healthy Aging Checklist. Again, the Healthy Aging Checklist summarizes ...
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Daily journals while living in a locked dementia unit: Days 2 and 3

by, Jim Vanden Bosch, Guest Blogger Day 2 (continued) After lunch, my assistant asks if I would like to go ...
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Klotho as a Biomarker of the Influence of Lifestyle Choice on Health – Fight Aging!

Klotho is a longevity-associated protein that operates both within the cell and also as a circulating signal protein. It ...
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Family caregivers: The salient heroes

Family Caregivers unlike healthcare workers do not belong to organized workforce employment. They are mostly unpaid and mostly unrecognized for ...
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