Lessons for Caregivers in a New Book, The Power of Teamwork

Today I finished reading The Power of Teamwork: How We Can All Work Better Together by Dr. Brian Goldman and ...
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Food for a Nasty Day

It’s -3 C (26.6 F) out there and freezing rain is falling. I’m glad I decided to cook yesterday so ...
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Targeting Oxidative Stress to Provoke Greater Tissue Maintenance and Regeneration in the Aging Heart – Fight Aging!

The heart is one of the least regenerative organs, and what limited ability it has to recover from injury ...
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The Promise – ChangingAging

The Promise https://changingaging.org/wp-content/uploads/Eilon-Caspi-The-Promise.mp3 How do you sleep at night? You promised Assisted Living Living assisted Assisted Assistance Assist Care Caring ...
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Garden Glimpses (2) – Dead plant, fertile ground

pot stuck dry brown skeleton  green cradle warm blue and white endless life   #Garden #Glimpses #Dead #plant #fertile #ground
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Klotho as a Biomarker of the Influence of Lifestyle Choice on Health – Fight Aging!

Klotho is a longevity-associated protein that operates both within the cell and also as a circulating signal protein. It ...
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The Roots of the Elderwise Way: Spirit-Centered Care

by, Sandy Sabersky and Ruth Neuwald Falcon, Guest Bloggers I work with people with dementia. One of the gifts of ...
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Retirement With a Side of Work

Often, people think about work and retirement as two opposite sides of a coin. It does not need to be ...
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Cultivate Friends for Healthy Aging

  Researcher, clinical psychologist, aging authority, and professor Claudia Trudel-Fitzgerald is an expert on social integration and aging as it ...
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Margene’s Story (Short) — Tabitha at Prairie Commons

Margene’s Story (Short) — Tabitha at Prairie Commons #Margenes #Story #Short #Tabitha #Prairie #Commons
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