How to Promote Brain Health:The Healthy Aging Checklist, Part 1

“Doctor, what do you recommend for healthy aging?” “My mom is getting older and I want to help her stay ...
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MCI ~ Mild Cognitive Impairment

  Recently, I have been asked questions about Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), as more older adults are being diagnosed with ...
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Lessons for Caregivers in a New Book, The Power of Teamwork

Today I finished reading The Power of Teamwork: How We Can All Work Better Together by Dr. Brian Goldman and ...
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VCAM1 and APOE Involved in Microglial Clearance of Amyloid-β – Fight Aging!

One of the characteristics of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease is the inflammatory activation and dysfunction of microglia. ...
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Towards Drugs to Treat Sarcopenia – Fight Aging!

Here, researchers review present efforts to develop drugs to treat sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength ...
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Festive Holiday Recipes That Won’t Cost a Fortune

Holidays are a time to join together with family and friends, celebrate, and enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal. While you ...
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Just more snow …. and food …. and TV

 Yep! That’s my week in review in a nutshell. It snowed every day, and last week, the temperatures were bloody ...
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September is World Dementia Awareness Month. I am reminded of my visit to Hogeweyk in 2015. It was definitely an ...
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A Break in the Polar Vortex

I’m slowing healing from my sister’s recent death. She’s the first of 5 siblings to die, so it really makes ...
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Fight Aging! Newsletter, December 4th 2023 – Fight Aging!

Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by ...
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