Happy Gerontology | Aging In Place Resources

Telling the truth can be a dirty job. ― Francesca Marciano, Casa Rossa   Aging in Place I’ve been wanting ...
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Food for a Nasty Day

It’s -3 C (26.6 F) out there and freezing rain is falling. I’m glad I decided to cook yesterday so ...
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THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: November Caregiver Support Challenge

  November is many things. For Canadians it’s the dark month, the lead-up to Christmas. For Americans, it’s Thanksgiving month. ...
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Just more snow …. and food …. and TV

 Yep! That’s my week in review in a nutshell. It snowed every day, and last week, the temperatures were bloody ...
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Caregiver Education and Tips for Time Management

Sorry I have been missing for a bit. I’ve been quite busy on a few projects. Hope to share one ...
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  The anxiety of waiting for the results of GE15 is over, as is the jubilance. Very soon, the new ...
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How To Handle Two Care Arrangements For Aging Parents

A guest post from Annabelle Harris   If your parents are still living but one is showing signs of aging ...
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The Lady With The Crown

When I was very young, I wished for some big event to happen to me, something truly dramatic – tragic, ...
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The Twelve Days of a Caregiver Christmas

On the First Day of Christmas on my list of things to do: I cooked dinner for my fa-mi-ly. On ...
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