THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: National Caregiver Day in Canada: All the News!

 The first Tuesday in April is National Caregiver Day in Canada and this year, there is lots of news to ...
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Back from the Land-of-the-Dead Computer!

Hello my dear blogger friends! It’s been almost 2 years since I posted. Two years!!! My deepest apologies for leaving ...
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Progressing Towards Regulatory Approval of Veterinary Therapies Targeting Aging – Fight Aging!

Veterinary medicine is typically less impeded by FDA regulatory costs than human medicine. A cynic would note that the ...
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Looking out for loneliness this winter | Discover

When Christmas is the hardest day Our research this year uncovered the sad but shocking fact that 2.8 million older ...
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Clumps of Cells as a Novel Basis for Regenerative Medicine – Fight Aging!

Researchers here note an interesting project, the production of self-assembling, mobile clumps of cells propelled by cilia, formed from ...
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AgingExpert: Confronting Dementia

  Is it possible to prevent dementia? Maybe. In June, I attended a professional online seminar with Dr. Matthew Pase, ...
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We need a new model for community living in urban townships, and definitely a new role for residents management committee ...
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Daily journals while living in a locked dementia unit: Days 2 and 3

by, Jim Vanden Bosch, Guest Blogger Day 2 (continued) After lunch, my assistant asks if I would like to go ...
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Festive Holiday Recipes That Won’t Cost a Fortune

Holidays are a time to join together with family and friends, celebrate, and enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal. While you ...
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Repair Biotechnologies, Deciduous Therapeutics, and More – Fight Aging!

Biopharma Dealmakers is a research news publication used by biotech and pharmaceutical startups to promote themselves and explain their ...
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