9 Types of Issues to Address When Helping Aging Parents

Most older adults don’t need much help from others. In fact, many of them are quite busy assisting others and ...
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A Geriatrician’s Top 10 Ways to Protect Brain Health in Aging

Image Credit: DepositPhotos. Have you ever wondered how to maintain your brain health as you age?  Or wanted ...
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5 Services and Tools to Help Care for Seniors While Social-Distancing

We all want to spend more time with aging parents and loved ones. So, when forces outside of your control ...
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The Best Gifts for Your Grandkids: Fun, Practical, and Personal

Finding the perfect gift for your grandchild can be a challenge. You want to choose something they will love, but ...
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Wish a Caregiver Happy Labour Day!

  The feminist scholar Arlene Kaplan Daniels coined the phrase “invisible work” to describe the many tasks that women have ...
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VCAM1 and APOE Involved in Microglial Clearance of Amyloid-β – Fight Aging!

One of the characteristics of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease is the inflammatory activation and dysfunction of microglia. ...
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About Aging Parents: Helping Seniors VOTE

In a few short weeks America will elect its next President, a few governors, and some major legislators. In addition, ...
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We need a new model for community living in urban townships, and definitely a new role for residents management committee ...
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Just more snow …. and food …. and TV

 Yep! That’s my week in review in a nutshell. It snowed every day, and last week, the temperatures were bloody ...
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Repair Biotechnologies, Deciduous Therapeutics, and More – Fight Aging!

Biopharma Dealmakers is a research news publication used by biotech and pharmaceutical startups to promote themselves and explain their ...
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