How to Review Medications for Safety & Appropriateness

Image Credit: DepositPhotos. By now you’ve probably heard that older adults are often taking “too many” medications. You also ...
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It’s Valentine’s Day – again. While couples young and old celebrate the day exchanging gifts and Valentine cards, my thoughts, ...
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7 Common Brain Toxic Drugs Seniors Should Use With Caution

Want to keep your brain — or the brain of someone you love — as healthy as possible? Then it’s ...
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Reflections on My Stay in a Dementia Unit

by, Jim Vanden Bosch, Guest Blogger Prologue In order for me to gain some firsthand experience of what it is ...
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Food for a Nasty Day

It’s -3 C (26.6 F) out there and freezing rain is falling. I’m glad I decided to cook yesterday so ...
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AgingExpert: Confronting Dementia

  Is it possible to prevent dementia? Maybe. In June, I attended a professional online seminar with Dr. Matthew Pase, ...
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7 Commonly Neglected Problems to Address for Healthy Aging

This is the third in a series of posts covering the Healthy Aging Checklist. Again, the Healthy Aging Checklist summarizes ...
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Divorce among older couples especially in Asia was virtually unheard of 50 years ago. Marriages were meant to last a ...
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Navigating the COVID-19 Vaccine Process

The COVID-19 vaccine is now becoming available to others outside the healthcare industry, but it can seem like a dangling ...
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Festive Holiday Recipes That Won’t Cost a Fortune

Holidays are a time to join together with family and friends, celebrate, and enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal. While you ...
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