A Day at the Zoo…Online

by, Susan McFadden, Guest Blogger One chilly November day in Wisconsin, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, a group ...
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Back from the Land-of-the-Dead Computer!

Hello my dear blogger friends! It’s been almost 2 years since I posted. Two years!!! My deepest apologies for leaving ...
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  Because Newfoundland (NL) winters are so long and harsh, and because CB was so ‘hilly’ and icy, winter usually ...
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TikTok Influencer’s Effect on Teens Aging (It’s Not Good)

Influence is everything. One wrong influence can single handedly destroy every bit of your innocence and innocence is the root ...
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Reflections on My Stay in a Dementia Unit

by, Jim Vanden Bosch, Guest Blogger Prologue In order for me to gain some firsthand experience of what it is ...
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Progressing Towards Regulatory Approval of Veterinary Therapies Targeting Aging – Fight Aging!

Veterinary medicine is typically less impeded by FDA regulatory costs than human medicine. A cynic would note that the ...
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Wish a Caregiver Happy Labour Day!

  The feminist scholar Arlene Kaplan Daniels coined the phrase “invisible work” to describe the many tasks that women have ...
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Dave Walker – Forever Young: Garden glimpses

Simon Barnes tells us early humans lived in African savannah. Endless acres of grass, eaten by mammals, in turn eaten ...
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We need a new model for community living in urban townships, and definitely a new role for residents management committee ...
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Garden Glimpses (3) courtesy of Simon Barnes

marigolds Mary’s gold – a religious name then.  Flowering plant, coloured leaves and nectar for insect pollination rather than wind. ...
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