How to Review Medications for Safety & Appropriateness

Image Credit: DepositPhotos. By now you’ve probably heard that older adults are often taking “too many” medications. You also ...
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How to Promote Brain Health:The Healthy Aging Checklist, Part 1

“Doctor, what do you recommend for healthy aging?” “My mom is getting older and I want to help her stay ...
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On the Subject of Self-Care for Caregivers

Last week, Leanne Meier RN, BSN had as her guest on her podcast Once a Nurse, Always a Nurse, ...
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  Because Newfoundland (NL) winters are so long and harsh, and because CB was so ‘hilly’ and icy, winter usually ...
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Food for a Nasty Day

It’s -3 C (26.6 F) out there and freezing rain is falling. I’m glad I decided to cook yesterday so ...
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Newcastle and Alnwick

Barter books, Alnwick centre, St Jame’s Park, apartment. Fartown gave up in the second half. Saints romped it.   #Newcastle ...
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And now, back to our normal forecast!

Well, the winter ‘honeymoon’ period is over! After almost 2 months of little to no snow in western Newfoundland, the ...
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Dave Walker – Forever Young: Garden glimpses

Simon Barnes tells us early humans lived in African savannah. Endless acres of grass, eaten by mammals, in turn eaten ...
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Towards Drugs to Treat Sarcopenia – Fight Aging!

Here, researchers review present efforts to develop drugs to treat sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength ...
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AGING DISGRACEFULLY: Happy Valentine’s Day

This is not my bum; mine isbigger and, hence, Iexperience more painthan this slim bum!  Ahhhh! The joys of aging. ...
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