THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: National Caregiver Day in Canada: All the News!

 The first Tuesday in April is National Caregiver Day in Canada and this year, there is lots of news to ...
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A Twin Study to Assess Short Term Cardiometabolic Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet – Fight Aging!

A Twin Study to Assess Short Term Cardiometabolic Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet If you’re familiar with discussion ...
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TikTok Influencer’s Effect on Teens Aging (It’s Not Good)

Influence is everything. One wrong influence can single handedly destroy every bit of your innocence and innocence is the root ...
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For thousands of Chinese families, the annual visit to the burial grounds of their departed family members will start this ...
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Lessons for Caregivers in a New Book, The Power of Teamwork

Today I finished reading The Power of Teamwork: How We Can All Work Better Together by Dr. Brian Goldman and ...
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Clumps of Cells as a Novel Basis for Regenerative Medicine – Fight Aging!

Researchers here note an interesting project, the production of self-assembling, mobile clumps of cells propelled by cilia, formed from ...
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How to Promote Physical Health While Aging: The Healthy Aging Checklist Part 2

This is the second in a series of posts explaining my Healthy Aging Checklist. Remember, for the healthiest aging, we ...
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Festive Holiday Recipes That Won’t Cost a Fortune

Holidays are a time to join together with family and friends, celebrate, and enjoy a delicious home-cooked meal. While you ...
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Garden Glimpses (4) – more Simon Barnes curation

Rose Wild most places. Woody, bushy. Produce hips, insect pollinated, seeds dispersed by birds. Domesticated by cutting – cloning. So, ...
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September is World Dementia Awareness Month. I am reminded of my visit to Hogeweyk in 2015. It was definitely an ...
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