Reviewing the Role of Cellular Senescence in Pulmonary Fibrosis – Fight Aging!

The first small human clinical trial of the senolytic therapy of dasatinib and quercetin targeted idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, showing ...
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You can be in a room full of people, and still feel lonely. The same can be said of the ...
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THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: National Caregiver Day in Canada: All the News!

 The first Tuesday in April is National Caregiver Day in Canada and this year, there is lots of news to ...
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Back from the Land-of-the-Dead Computer!

Hello my dear blogger friends! It’s been almost 2 years since I posted. Two years!!! My deepest apologies for leaving ...
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Aging Into New Roles With Bill Kole

Getting old is a fascinating thing. The older you get, the older you want to get! ~ Keith Richards   ...
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THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: All My News: A Personal Update

 It’s Sunday morning and the thrum of rain on our metal roof is lulling me into a thoughtful mood. It’s ...
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Santa Could Use Some Accessibility

Dear Santa, Before I explain, how much do you know already? -Anonymous Aging in Place  Well, it’s that time of ...
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THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: The Perfect Fake Independence

 The other day I was browsing facebook posts in an online caregiver support group when I read,  “My mother was ...
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THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: November Caregiver Support Challenge

  November is many things. For Canadians it’s the dark month, the lead-up to Christmas. For Americans, it’s Thanksgiving month. ...
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The Roots of the Elderwise Way: Spirit-Centered Care

by, Sandy Sabersky and Ruth Neuwald Falcon, Guest Bloggers I work with people with dementia. One of the gifts of ...
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