What’s Really Beneath Our Obsession with Anti-Aging?

by, Skylar Liberty Rose, Guest Blogger I recently had to visit a website for some supplements I needed and the ...
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Dave Walker – Forever Young: Scarborough Easter 2023

                        Taking the long view of The Clock Cafe ...
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THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: All My News: A Personal Update

 It’s Sunday morning and the thrum of rain on our metal roof is lulling me into a thoughtful mood. It’s ...
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  Because Newfoundland (NL) winters are so long and harsh, and because CB was so ‘hilly’ and icy, winter usually ...
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A Geriatrician’s Top 10 Ways to Protect Brain Health in Aging

Image Credit: DepositPhotos. Have you ever wondered how to maintain your brain health as you age?  Or wanted ...
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Artists as Designers of Dying and Funerals

 I’ve been thinking about death and dying a lot lately. Maybe that’s because I watched all of the Queen’s funeral ...
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Retirement With a Side of Work

Often, people think about work and retirement as two opposite sides of a coin. It does not need to be ...
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THE CAREGIVERS’ LIVING ROOM A Blog by Donna Thomson: A Man Finds His Purpose in Caregiving | Ousmane

Lately I’ve been talking about “slivers of time” for self-care or reflection. If you can find half an hour today, ...
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AgingExpert: January 2023 News!

  Hi Readers,    When I created this blog in 2007, there were scant articles on aging available to the ...
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Ageism Among Women – ChangingAging

by, Fran Braga Meininger As a writer, I’m always on the lookout for conferences and women’s groups to affiliate with ...
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