The Chinese new year is a mere two days away. A new year means a new beginning, although as someone ...
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Dave Walker – Forever Young: Catalan May 2023

 Leeds-Bradford, Ryanair to Perpignan and then a taxi out to the coast. We went to watch Catalan Dragons play St ...
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How To Help Your Aging Parents Manage Their Fixed Income

We are all taking care of our aging parents. Unfortunately, some of them are living on such a fixed income ...
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Wish a Caregiver Happy Labour Day!

  The feminist scholar Arlene Kaplan Daniels coined the phrase “invisible work” to describe the many tasks that women have ...
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Coming Events ~ September 2022

  COMING EVENTS September 2022   Thank you, Harry “Rick” Moody, for these events published in the Human Values and ...
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Welcome to February!

It’s been a relatively quiet, icy cold, snowy kind of week here in western Newfoundland. We are in the middle ...
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Towards Drugs to Treat Sarcopenia – Fight Aging!

Here, researchers review present efforts to develop drugs to treat sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength ...
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AGING DISGRACEFULLY: Happy Valentine’s Day

This is not my bum; mine isbigger and, hence, Iexperience more painthan this slim bum!  Ahhhh! The joys of aging. ...
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Klotho as a Biomarker of the Influence of Lifestyle Choice on Health – Fight Aging!

Klotho is a longevity-associated protein that operates both within the cell and also as a circulating signal protein. It ...
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Family caregivers: The salient heroes

Family Caregivers unlike healthcare workers do not belong to organized workforce employment. They are mostly unpaid and mostly unrecognized for ...
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