About Aging Parents: Book Review: A Guide for Caregiving

I am pleased to call Tina Marrelli, MSN, MA, RN, FAAN, a friend. She is also a fabulous award-winning, best-selling ...
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What’s Really Beneath Our Obsession with Anti-Aging?

by, Skylar Liberty Rose, Guest Blogger I recently had to visit a website for some supplements I needed and the ...
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It’s Valentine’s Day – again. While couples young and old celebrate the day exchanging gifts and Valentine cards, my thoughts, ...
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  Because Newfoundland (NL) winters are so long and harsh, and because CB was so ‘hilly’ and icy, winter usually ...
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Progressing Towards Regulatory Approval of Veterinary Therapies Targeting Aging – Fight Aging!

Veterinary medicine is typically less impeded by FDA regulatory costs than human medicine. A cynic would note that the ...
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Stop Ageism!

  What is ageism? It is prejudice and stereotypes of a person or group based on age. Negative ideas about ...
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Making a Joyful Noise: Stories from a Chorus for People Living with Dementia

by, Susan McFadden, Guest Blogger In 2014, I recruited a remarkable group of people to form a chorus that practiced ...
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AgingExpert: Confronting Dementia

  Is it possible to prevent dementia? Maybe. In June, I attended a professional online seminar with Dr. Matthew Pase, ...
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7 Commonly Neglected Problems to Address for Healthy Aging

This is the third in a series of posts covering the Healthy Aging Checklist. Again, the Healthy Aging Checklist summarizes ...
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About Aging Parents: Helping Seniors VOTE

In a few short weeks America will elect its next President, a few governors, and some major legislators. In addition, ...
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