Simple and Fresh Makeup Look for Spring

 Greetings, dear readers, and happy Monday! It’s been awhile since posting! Every time things settle down enough and I think I’ll get back to something resembling a routine, something pops up. If it’s not something physically stopping me, it’s my mental health taking a nosedive. I greatly appreciate your patience with me this past year, and what a year it has been! Yikes! Now let’s leave that craziness behind and jump in on today’s post!

This weekend marked the start of a new season, and I wanted to create a fresh makeup look to mark the occasion. Check it out!

I was really feeling the shades in the Viseart Petite Pro Chou Chou palette and had to put them to good use this weekend! While the palette is not available right now, it should be coming back in the next couple of weeks. I kept my application light handed as I wanted a more subtle look, but it is such a great palette that will carry you from spring and into summer with the vibrant hues!
I also used my go-to coral blush, The Standard by Doubledown Cosmetics in my look. It’s not the easiest to see here as I do keep my blush application light in the first place plus added to the bright lights for photos, but it is such a good coral hue!

Did you do anything special to mark the start of Spring? I’m having to lay low at home between my knee injury setback and being high risk with COVID, but it was beautiful here and I spent a lot of time outside with the hubby and kids. I am enjoying being outside as much as I can right now before it gets too hot and I have to spend most of the day indoors.

Until next time, dear readers, have a wonderful day!


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