How to keep your skin healthy and glowing while travelling – MV SKINTHERAPY

How to keep your skin healthy and glowing while travelling

How to keep your skin healthy and glowing while travelling

Summer is officially here and with that comes all the things we Aussies love: sunshine, gathering with family and friends in the beautiful outdoors, and travelling far and wide. 

It can be tempting for our skincare to take a back seat while travelling and enjoying the outdoors (and perhaps that extra glass of bubbly!) but the simple act of sticking with your skincare rituals can help to counter the appearance of stress and also keep you grounded during busy periods. You might also want to introduce a few new products or skincare hacks depending on your environmental surroundings and lifestyle changes. 

With that in mind, here’s a few tips from us on keeping your skin healthy and glowing while travelling. 

How to beat jet lag (hint: It starts before you even get on the plane!)

Ahh jet lag: A loathsome but unfortunately necessary part of many long-haul trips (especially if you’re in Australia and heading to… almost anywhere in the world!). 

While there’s no miracle cure for jet lag, there’s a few tricks you can try to minimise and shake it off as quickly as possible. 

First, hydration, hydration, hydration. 

Dehydration can make jet lag symptoms worse, so be sure to drink plenty of water before, during and after your flight, as this counteracts the effects of dry cabin air, and also avoid dehydrating beverages like alcohol, tea and coffee. 

Second, don’t forget to hydrate your skin!

Keeping your skin as well as your body hydrated can also help you fight that fuzzy jet lag feeling. Using a product like our Instant Revival Booster after a flight is a great way to invigorate the skin and is a powerful remedy for jet lag and dehydration. 

What to do on the plane

Speaking of staying hydrated, this skincare hack is less about your skin and more about maintaining your overall health, but it’s something that our founder Sharon swears by when travelling (especially on those loooong flights from Australia to the UK). 

Have you ever noticed that after a long haul you get the sniffles, a sore throat or a full-blown virus? Well, it’s not just you! Because the air on places is recirculated, it’s seriously drying (see our first tip!) and the theory is that when your nasal passage gets dried out, it doesn’t protect you as well from airborne germs. 

So, what can you do? Use a little of our Pure Jojoba oil in and around your nostrils during the flight to help fend off sickness. 

Our other tip for the plane is to regularly spritz with one of our mists – either the Rose Hydrating Mist or the Active Marine Mist – to keep your skin well hydrated. Be sure to lock in hydration by smoothing 2 drops of Pure Jojoba immediately after spritzing. 

Treating sunburn

Almost all of us have experienced the painful reality of sunburn at one time or another – some of us by accident, and others by seeking what they think is a healthy glow. 

But as Sharon puts it, “sunburn is nature’s way of telling us to get out of the sun. We ignore this natural warning sign in search of that ‘healthy glow’. We all know that we should avoid the midday sun when it is at its most intense – but walk along any popular beach in the height of summer between 11am and 2pm and do a body count!”

But life happens, so how can you get some cooling relief for those times when sunburn strikes?

During the hot summer months, pop our Active Marine Mist in the fridge to help cool you down and rehydrate your skin. Spritz over your face, then follow with a few drops of Rose Plus Booster or Daily Soother Booster for a much needed hit of soothing, anti-inflammatory and skin reparative ingredients. 

If your body is glowing pink (and not in a good way!), slather our Aromatic Body Oil over the affected areas post shower, while the skin is still damp. The ever-so-nourishing and nurturing plant oils are just what the doctor ordered! 

Our MultiBALM is another MVP here – featuring calendula oil which is prized for its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, this golden-buttery balm can provide valuable relief for sunburn and a host of other skin conditions like eczema, acne, rashes and insect bites. Just make sure you’ve waited a day or two for the initial heat to subside, as you want to avoid thick occlusive balms on freshly sunburnt skin, to prevent trapping the heat in.


It’s not always easy to maintain healthy and glowing skin when travelling, but we encourage you to stay as consistent as possible and maintain your skincare rituals no matter where your travels take you – not just for your skin, but for your overall health and well-being. 

#skin #healthy #glowing #travelling #SKINTHERAPY

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