How To Heal A Calf Tear Quickly

Amazing 75-Day Torn Calf Recovery With Regime. How to heal a calf tear quickly.  This is the question I keep getting on my Instagram MRHITCHFIT

1st off Im not a Dr. but I do know muscle and below I share with you what happened and how I personally healed it.  Its been over a year since the injury and stronger than ever.

How Did This Happen? 

No, it wasn’t in the gym lifting crazy weight. My wife and I were in Costa Rica. On the last day I was there, I was carrying 2-50lb suitcases up a steep uneven hill to the car. I had hit calves hard the day before, so they were tight. I felt a very pull about 3/4th the way up. I knew something bad had just happened. I would then get on a plane for 5 hours getting home.

The next morning, it had swollen up like a balloon

I wasn’t able to put any weight on it and had excruciating pain. The worst injury I have ever had.

It Was A Grade 3 Gastrocnemius Calf Tear..

The 1st part of the video below was Day 3, and it was nearly 2″ bigger than my normal 19″ calf






Dr’s told me to rest it and that it would take 3-4 months minimum to recover. That it would likely never be the same.

I disagreed.. instead of rest.. I attacked the injury .. I am not a Dr. But i know muscle and I know my body so I personally built an Insane Recovery Plan that was about 6 hours a day of different treatments (no peptides or Hgh) perfect nutrition, up to 4 hours of workouts daily ( I didn’t train calves but kept it moving) and lots of prayer.



calf tear

Here is what a typical weekend day looked like. My weekdays I work at my gym 4 to 6 hours, so worked around when I had clients.


Before we get into the schedule.  The 1st thing you need to do is go get a good compression sleeve and wear it most of the day.  This is something that helped tremendously.

2:20am Wake Up

2:30am Prayer Time

2:45am Cardio(bike) Then Elevate Leg Massage and ankle rotations/calve flexing while laying down (gentle to begin with)

4:55am Meal 1

5am Red Light Sauna /Elevated Leg Massage

5:20am Ice Bath

5:40am Elevate Leg Massage

6:30- Ankle/Foot Stretching

6am- Meal 2

730am- Reading and Devotionals

830am- Meal 3

10am- Workout (7 days a week) I did everything besides Calve specific exercises

1130am-Meal 4 Post Workout

1215pm -Compression Therapy and Cryotherapy

2pm – Dry Needling (2-3 days per week)

2pm- Meal 5

4pm- (30 minutes cardio and abs)

5pm -Meal 6

6pm- Calf Massage

730pm- Meal 7

8pm – Sleep

Over 25,000 steps a day and 2-3 total workouts, 6-7 healthy meals per day, 1.5 gallons of water, and this MAGNUM SUPPLEMENT STACK


This injury was extremely painful, fighting daily to manage the pain, not re-tear it and recover as quickly as possible. If you are anything like me you are addicted to feeling your best everyday.

The Results Speak For Themselves. Thank you Jesus for the strength, discipline and healing

➡️ 75 days later, fully healed. Able to train heavy, jump high, and run fast again. I also didn’t lose any muscle size nor did I have any change in the look of my calf.


Micah LaCerte’s Calves

Micah LaCerte Calves

Dr’s,  many times tell you what the average person goes through for recovery. I encourage you not to be average. I am glad I followed my gut and was able to recover it in about 33% the time.

Thanks for those who took this journey with me. KING OF CALVES IS 100% Again.. Add me On IG -> MRHITCHFIT

Discipline, consistency, and knowledge ..

When you know your body, you can achieve amazing things.



Program Choice: Build Muscle


#Heal #Calf #Tear #Quickly

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