How often should you exfoliate?

Exfoliation is like giving your skin a little workout—it clears away dead cells to reveal fresh, glowing skin underneath! But just like any good workout, it’s all about balance. 

1. Normal or Combination Skin: The Balanced Act

Your skin is like a superstar with a good balance of oil and dryness, so exfoliating 2-3 times a week is just right. Your skin cells regenerate on average every 28 days, and exfoliation helps speed up the shedding of dead cells to keep your skin smooth and fresh without overwhelming it.

2. Dry or Sensitive Skin: The Gentle Approach

Dry or sensitive skin is more fragile, so exfoliating once a week is enough. Your skin already struggles with low oil levels, so too much exfoliation can strip it further. Opt for gentler methods like enzymatic exfoliants (using fruit enzymes) or mild AHAs (like lactic acid), which dissolve dead skin cells without irritating your skin barrier.

3. Oily or Acne-Prone Skin: The Frequent Flyer

If your skin is an oil factory, you might need to exfoliate up to 3 times a week. Oily and acne-prone skin benefits from exfoliation because it helps unclog pores and keeps breakouts at bay. Go for chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid, which penetrates into the pores and reduces excess oil, or a mild physical exfoliant, but don’t go overboard—your skin still needs time to recover between sessions!

4. Mature Skin: The Fountain of Youth

As you age, your skin’s natural exfoliation process slows down. Exfoliating 2 times a week helps give it a boost by encouraging cell turnover, reducing the appearance of fine lines, and stimulating collagen production. Look for gentle chemical exfoliants like retinol or glycolic acid to keep your skin looking youthful without being too harsh.

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