Here’s Why I’m Never Leaving My House: Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket

For many *raises hand*, the pandemic has truly redefined HOME. I mean, home has always been my refuge from the world…where I   go to undo my top bottom, toss that bothersome bra, slip into a pair of well-loved leggings (or go sans pants because that’s my business), exhale, Netflix and chill. But home in the pandemic has evolved into so much more. Home now serves as not only refuge — but also home base for work, play, leisure, homeschooling, staycation-ing, entertainment, date nights, fitness…the list goes on and on. We are doing E-VER-RY-THING at Case de Home!

And even with a vaccine on the horizon (You taking that first round, sis? Issa hard pass for me until we get clear data on this thing), we are still looking at a big shift in how we do “outside”. Having said that, we find ourselves challenged with striking a delicate balance between the things we can safely do outdoors (like dining al fresco) and the things we need to reimagine  indoors.

Improving, and even elevating, my at home wellness is a chief priority for me right now. One thing that I figured out early on in the quarantine was this: If I was going to be up in this piece all the time — I was going to have to find ways to carve out spaces and places to suit my new way of life. My path to indoor wellness needed to be very clearly defined.

And this is where Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket comes in. In addition to creating dedicated spaces for Phoebe’s at-home learning, I also had to address my need for space and resources dedicated to fitness and mental wellbeing.

If you’ve never experienced the Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket, you’re missing out on a major body detox moment. Picture it: In a little under an hour, soothing infrared rays and magnetic therapy rebalance and refresh your entire being. Forty-five minutes of the infrared sauna blanket is the equivalent of a 3-4 mile light jog. About an hour of sauna time is right up there with a  7 day detox juice cleanse. I don’t know about you, but this excites me. The fact that I can detox, relax, meditate, boost my metabolic rate/ burn calories, and release serotonin (the brain’s happy chemical) — all at the same time?…from the privacy and convenience of home?… Sir! Yes!

Basically, I live here now.  Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket does it for me! My whole body rejoices every single time I slip inside. Even THINKING about my sauna blanket makes me happy. The immediate benefits are huge. I feel so relaxed and so euphoric. Most days I set a 45 minute timer and just drift away. I wake up feeling as light as air. I’ve never felt a natural high like this before. I’m actually a little woozy like” what just happened here?” My best naps of 2020 have been in my sauna blanket. And my skin — my skin has never felt softer! I am loving the just-from-the-spa glow that I radiate every single time I emerge from my blanket.

When I think about little day trips, like visiting a friend or staycation-ing at a nice hotel, I always envision my sauna blanket as part of the scenario. I truly cannot see traveling without it. It’s size is ideal for a road trip, but when I’m back on planes again, just know I’m rolling up my sauna blanket and it’s going in my checked luggage.

I’ve had my eyes on Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket since last year when I first covered the product in a four-page spread that I wrote for Essence magazine. {READ THE STORY HERE}

I won’t even try to gaslight y’all — At that time, the Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket seemed rather aspirational  . Conceptually, I got it. You can’t deny the benefits of a good sauna session:

— Detox up to seven times more than traditional sweating
— Burn calories
— Increase blood flow and circulation
— Reduce inflammation
— Release happy chemicals and leave you feeling euphoric
— Improve sleep
— Melt away stress
— Leave skin soft and glowing

But, again, if we’re being honest, the cost is aspirational.

Well, correction: WAS aspirational before the pandemic.

I always think of that saying: “If it costs me my peace, it costs too much”. Amen and amen! This essentially means, NOTHING is worth sacrificing your peace. And so, in applying this philosophy to pandemic life, sheltering indoors, plus being my own source of sanctuary and sanity — Tuh! — for me, a $499 sauna blanket {save $75 with code TTB75} is no longer aspirational. It’s a required life tool for surviving 2020 and beyond!

And while I feel my sauna blanket has taken the leap from aspirational to LIFE NECESSITY — I still get that $424 (that’s the cost when using my link and my discount code: TTB75) is nothing to sneeze at. So, here’s something to consider: the sauna blanket is shareable within a household. Meaning, you, your significant other or other family members can share using it. The blanket is designed to be used with clothes and socks   (not naked). And after each use, you can clean the blanket with a damp cloth and a mild cleaning solution. So, for a pretend household of you, a significant other and a teen, your cost breakdown is roughly $141 per person.

Listen, I don’t know your life and I’m not going to spin 5011 different scenarios on why  Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket is worth it for you. But as for me and mine, I have to tell you — this blanket is my friend! It makes me so happy and is paying major wellness dividends. It’s my 45 minute escape from the world…my muscle recovery go-to post workout…my calorie burn when I skip my workout…and my new glowy skin secret weapon!



  • Healing amethyst deepens benefits of infrared
  • Tourmaline layer generates negative ions
  • Charcoal layer to amplify detoxification process
  • Medical grade magnetic strip for improved blood circulation
  • Low EMF heating
  • Wide velcro strap for better fastening
  • Easy to access controller
  • Premium non-toxic interior and exterior fabrics


If you try  Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket, please use my special link [HERE] so that I may earn a small commission for introducing you to this game-changing product. You’ll want to send me flowers or wine to thank me, but using my special link + code [TTB75 to save $75] is thanks enough!

Stay well!


#Heres #Leaving #House #Higher #Dose #Infrared #Sauna #Blanket

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