Facial Massage — Does it really help?

Hello Doctor. My question is, I’ve been watching facial massage on any social media platforms and they have their before and after faces, telling that facial massages really helped them a lot. I tried those facial massages on my face, but I’m kinda scared that maybe it’ll make me a bit old or something. And my second question is, do facial massages help lessen the black around the eye? Thank you, hoping to see your response. ❤️

This one will be shorter than most posts because there’s not a lot of science or to say on this. Except…that for some reason people love these posts. 🙂 I’ve sometimes wondered if it’s because we all really, truly want a magic wand for skin. In other words, something really simple, inexpensive, effective, and that works consistently. It’s the “grail” of skincare. 🙂

Cons for facial massage:

  • It will not tighten your skin. There’s quite of bit of science proving that so far only building deep collagen, removing skin completely (like a facelift), or improving elasticity does this. Elasticity is that “snap back” effect.
  • We all love before and after photos, but they can be completed doctored and not just by Photoshop. Sometimes it’s just unwitting like different lighting, bad photo angles, lost 3 pounds last week, etc.
  • Stretching the skin is not the greatest unless it’s done gently by a good aesthetician. Think of what happens to skin over long periods of time that is stretched, like say a nine-month pregnancy, or a big weight loss. It doesn’t always “snap back” easily. The younger you are the more elastic fibers you have.
  • It will not reduce or repair sun damage.
  • With no data, this could be just a time waster and not actually harmful, but we don’t know. Time wasters though are on my hit list, and may be on yours.

Pros for facial massage:

  • It can just feel good. Let’s not underestimate this. Still, I’d rather see done by a good aesthetician.
  • Stimulates blood flow. This is almost always good, like exercise, but don’t overdo it.
  • Could possibly help with penetration of good actives if you use them right before massaging.


I Hope this Helps,

Brandith Irwin, MD
Concierge Dermatology & Laser, Seattle
Founder of SkinTour
Follow my skin tips and travels on Instagram!


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