eBooklet Designed For Aging in Place Professionals | Aging In Place Resources

aging in place


To make any endeavor truly successful, integrity, inspiration, and insight are integral.

~ Jaggi Vasudev


Aging in Place

I’ve decided to write a book, actually an ebooklet (keep it short and readable) designed for the Aging in Place Professionals (AIPPs). The burning reason is because for decades now I have been studying, thinking, reading, writing, giving talks, doing interviews, and working in the field of aging-in-place, and it’s time to share some useful ideas (secret sauce) in one place.

I have earned some key insights about aging in place over the years that are contrarian, maybe even controversial, and I want to put them all in one accessible format for the professionals in the field, and those just starting out. There are a number of conventional wisdoms that deserves shaking up. As well as few new market possibilities on the horizon to explore, business techniques to try, and some guiding theories to consider.

My goal is to share tips, theory, techniques, and some surprises that I’ve learned along the way. I recently wrote about how ai may effect the aging-in-place professional environment. Having some marketing differentiator can be a competitive advantage, this ebooklet should help with that.

I don’t know how long it will take, I am early in the process, but I feel compelled to do more that just post on social media about these concepts as an intellectual exercise–and never see them make positive changes in real lives. My goal is to scale the ideas through you the AIPP and help with your success.


Here is an excerpt from Chapter 2 / Be an Aging in Place Contrarian 

Conventional Wisdom Point #1

Never use the term “Aging in Place” when marketing

Conventional Wisdom Point #2

Aging in Place vs. Aging in THE RIGHT Place

Conventional Wisdom point #3

Aging in Place is about Independence


Excerpt here:

Conventional Wisdom Point #1

Never use the term “Aging in Place” when marketing


Marketing Assisted Living

For years now, especially in the Assisted Living industry which has a vested interest in casting “aging in place” in negative terms, there has been concerted effort to deny that aging is living.

For example, here is a guy (lets call him “Mr. Thriving*”) throwing shade on the term “aging in place” in the most tone-death manner I’ve ever read.

If I were “shopping” on behalf of a parent today, I would be turned off rather quickly by a community touting aging in place. For me, the term conjures up images of an older person in a rocking chair with a glazed look, an idle stare and cobwebs encircling their frail body. Maybe it’s just me, but that’s the mental picture “aging in place” gives to me. And as they say, “A picture is worth a . . .”

In truth, I cannot think of a more dour and depressing term.

~ Mr Thriving* / senior living website

Further, the author has a black and white image of a rocking chair for the image of his article. I don’t know this gentleman, at the time of writing he stated he was retired and starting a new gig in the assisted living industry.

My point about Mr. Thriving* is this, he’s most likely over 65 himself—yet look at how he describes aging in place! This is a classic case of internalized ageism, and gerontophobia, yet somehow, it’s still acceptable to him.

I always frame these arguments and attempts at rebranding “aging in place” as “thriving in place” or living in place” in terms of euphemisms for marketing—follow the money.

Ageism like this from older adults appears to be a veiled form of self-loathing, Betty Friedan described it many years ago in Fountain of Age (1993). A form of “othering” that separates us from older adults.

Author Margaret Gullette notes: “We are aged more by culture than by chromosomes,” and this insidious decline narrative is a leftover from the 20th century.

A push back on this kind of ageism is needed and positive associations around aging must be normalized. But to embrace this concept our society must change its view of what it means to grow old, and you as a AIPP can help.

As pointed out in Nortin M. Hadler’s book, Rethinking AGING (UNC Press 2011), the secret to longevity is the structure of society, not whether anyone eats bran. It is the social construction that Americans have been taught and nearly all have accepted about aging and its issues, that really matters.

Mr. Thriving*(who drank the ageism cool aid) ends with these thoughts:

With the heightened importance of social engagement, an active, vibrant environment — and what memory care guru Dr. John Zeisel, founder and CEO of The Hearthstone Institute calls, “a life worth living” — I can’t think of a more counterproductive phrase than “aging in place.” Several other baby boomers and adult children I’ve talked to agree. Some even wince and laugh at the notion — as I first did.

For lack of a better alternative, I’ve started using the term “Living in Place” for some of our client communities. So far, no objections. For me, Living in Place is a more accurate, representative and uplifting option. We’re supposed to be about lifestyle and living, right? Why highlight aging?

As they say (rightly or wrongly), “perception is everything” (irony! my comment). Do you want your community known for aging in place or living life to the fullest for as long as you can without ever having to move?

What do you think? Do you aspire to “age in place”, or would you prefer to thrive in a comfortable, vibrant community that you never have to leave?

Am I making a big deal over nothing? Is there another term you are currently using? Is it descriptive yet uplifting? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. And thank you for indulging me! Maybe it’s just my age . . .

My response:

Dear Mr. Thriving* I doubt you’re going to love to hear my thoughts, but here they are. Your outlook on the term on aging and “aging in place” is so last century—like many other “isms” that kept people down. Why would “thriving” or “living” be incompatible with “aging?” I can’t disagree more with you and your couple of boomer acquaintances.

Aging is not a sin!


I can’t emphasize how out of touch this line is: “We’re supposed to be about lifestyle and living, right? Why highlight aging?”  As if those are mutually exclusive!

To think like an aging in place contrarian use the term “Aging in Place” not only with colleagues and professional insiders—but especially with clients. Aging is not a four-letter word, respect your client’s position in life and don’t patronize them with euphemisms. They can handle the truth. . .



Ageism is NEVER Good Business


Assisted Living Data Points

Average Age of Assisted Living Residents: Around half of assisted living residents in the U.S. are at least 85 years old. Just over 30% of residents are between 75 and 84 years old. About 13% of residents are between 65 and 74 years old. Just 6% of residents are younger than 65 years (source: Assisted Living Statistics And Facts In 2024, Forbes Health by Deb Hipp).


My sincerest aim is for all AIPPs to embrace the philosophy that human development is possible all along the life course.

In your hearts you must believe what you do matters and provided the right interventions, older adults are fully capable of remaining home by choice. This will come across as a guiding principle in your business and your clients will appreciate you for it.

To your success, Patrick

(Mr. Thriving* Did not use his real name)

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