AgingExpert: February Events!


Thank you, gerontologoist Harry “Rick” Moody for these informative sites and February events!! 



AGAINST AGEISM. “Simone de Beauvoir recommends we fight for ourselves as we age”


CAREGIVING. See “Cognition, Care, and Spirituality,” an animated lecture
about how we care for vulnerable people, at:


FILMS.  For great guidance about films on aging, visit the
Geromovies Blog at:





In this time of pandemic, many previously

scheduled events have been canceled or
postponed, so it is important

to check in advance.  Events in digital
format may be held as scheduled,

but checking is advisable.


RESILIENCE: Living and Aging with Resilience in Our Changing World (Feb.
9, 16, 23, 2023, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, ET). Strategies and practices to enhance
our ability to adapt and flourish in the face of adversity. Details and
registration at:


AGING AS FULFILLMENT (Zoom, Feb. 15, 2023, 11:30 am – 1:00
pm, ET). “The Making of an Old Soul: Aging as the Fulfillment of Life’s
Promise” is a retreat with Dr. Carol Orsborn, drawing on Erik
Erikson, Carl Jung, Ram Dass and Pema Chodron.  Life stage theory,
journaling, and group discussion, focused on conscious aging.  Sponsored
by Sage-ing International. Details and registration at:

(Link may show January date but will register for Feb. 15 date,
rescheduled due because of surgery)


WISDOM OF ELDERHOOD: Women Over 65 (Zoom, Feb. 15 to Mar. 22,
2023, 1 noon to 1:30 pm, MT).

Small group for time in meaningful reflection. Each session led by
Ruth Neubauer, psychotherapist. Details at:


TAOISM: Quiet Activism: A Taoist Approach to Social Change (Feb. 21,
2023, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm ET).

Led by William Martin, author of The Activist’s Tao Te
. For details and registration see:

(Part of the World Wisdom Series on Perspectives and Cultural
Traditions of Aging and Spirituality)


HELPING HIS ELDERS: “With Love: How One Teenager Started a
Nonprofit to Help Older Adults” (Feb. 21, 2023, 1 – 2 pm, ET). Jacob Cramer
started Love For Our Elders, inspired by his grandfather, to fight loneliness
in senior communities through letter-writing, sharing seniors’ stories, and
in-person volunteering. No cost, on Zoom.  Sponsored by PSS/Coming of Age.
Details and registration at: Information/Registration



#AgingExpert #February #Events

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