Tips for Traveling with Your Supplements

Summer is in full swing and we’re all going here, there, and everywhere this year. Something that’s important to me while traveling, is keeping a routine which means continuing my supplementation. The good news is that some of our most popular products make it easy to pack in even the smallest luggage.


Choose Packets and Chews

We want you to be able to bring your favorite supplements on the go and our packets and chews help you do just that. From Isotonix Daily Essentials Packets for overall nutrient support to Isotonix Digestive Enzymes for healthy digestion, MochaTonix Travel Packets for energy, and OPC-3 Chews for a strong antioxidant defense, there is no reason you can’t continue your healthy lifestyle from across the country. I always keep these on hand, so I’m never without my vitamins.

Storing Your Supplements

As always, be mindful of where you are storing your supplements once you’ve unpacked them. Humidity and temperature changes may be prevalent where you are visiting and can harden Isotonix.


Set a Reminder

While taking supplements each day is typically second nature, try setting an alarm while you’re on vacation with a quick reminder to ‘drink your Isotonix,’ before your day of gallivanting begins.

#Tips #Traveling #Supplements

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