2023 Wrapped – 25 Sweetpeas Version — 25 Sweetpeas


2023 was a great year for 25 Sweetpeas, I feel like we grew so much, tried a lot of new things, and all in all it was our best year so far in business, so THANK YOU so much for being a part of it. To wrap up the year I have made my own lil “25 Sweetpeas Wrapped” inspired by Spotify Wrapped, because I love random stats like the ones they share.

this photo belongs to 25 Sweetpeas.com

So many fun lil tidbits! Also I feel like its so interesting to look back on what our most popular items were for the year. Often times as the artist, I obviously like what I am releasing before I release it other wise why release it? But I do always have things that I love more than others and internally think “Ooo this one will be popular” or eh “I’m not sure this will be that loved as much as *insert design/product name here*”. So when its the complete opposite of what I thought, that’s always a lil extra interesting! Ha, and makes me second guess everything at times😂 My mom helps a lot in the studio which I am SO immensely grateful/thankful for and she’s who I’ll ask “Is this a good idea” and she’s more often than not, right! In fact she always believes in the designs I don’t, and she’s usually right, so the best studio buddy, and bestie! 

She was a BIG encourager of the shell guide, and shark tooth guide! Especially when I wasn’t feeling super confident about them, and well….. We made 164 Beach guides in 2023 and they weren’t even available all year. In fact we ever got them into stores!

this photo belongs to 25 Sweetpeas.com

Our shark tooth guide was hands down our best seller in the shop for 2023, which was super shocking to me! I’m thrilled about it, but I was/am still surprised! So thank you so much for all of the love and support on both beach guides! Both are truly passion products, and it makes me so happy to know others have also enjoyed them!


this photo belongs to 25 Sweetpeas.com

Another popular item type would have to be our lighthouse stamp shaped stickers! Which also makes me super excited! 

I planned for these to be something people could collect after visiting the lighthouses, a fun lil stamp to show where they have visited. My goal some day is to have these in various lighthouse gift shops too so when you VISIT it you can get it there! How fun would that be? As of right now our most popular sticker in this collection is the Jupiter Lighthouse sticker! In fact this is also a popular one in my wholesale shop too, and you can actually visit the Jupiter Lighthouse Gift Shop and grab one, which was a big goal and accomplishment of 2023!

Last but not least for our 2023 Wrapped I had to share this fun lil info, Our Most Listened to Artists!

this photo belongs to 25 Sweetpeas.com

Are you even in the studio is there isn’t music on? I don’t think so. Music and setting the right “vibe” in my space makes all of the difference, and according to Spotify these are the most listened to artists in the studio and I TOTALLY agree. All of these artists have been on repeat in the studio and still are. (Come and Get It By The Elovaters is currently on) If you want to check out the playlist that’s usually on in the studio you can here because I LOVE sharing music!

Well that’s a wrap on the 2023 Wrapped 25 Sweetpeas version!

Hope you enjoyed these fun lil random bits, I have so many fun ideas this year for this space and I can’t wait to share them with you. If you have anything specific you would like to see this year go ahead and hit the reply button and I’ll look forward to reading them!

Thanks again so much for all of the love and support in 2023, here is to the New Year hopefully filled with salty air and lots of seashells!

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